Katherine Carey Millinery

Saturday, January 29, 2011

A Dream IS A Wish Your Heart Makes....

"A Dream is a wish your heart makes..."

My Heart Wished and Wished and Believed and Wished and Believed some more with ALL It's Might and then One Day...My Dream INDEED came true!!! 

It actually has already been happening and now the pace has begun to become quite, well...rapid.

I'll be in New York by Spring time!!!  The latter part of the Spring!

I am INDEED venturing forth on my journey, indeed packing and sorting 20 years of life, indeed creating A Grand Collection of my creativity, indeed scheduling the last events (for the time being) here on my island paradise...My Beloved Maui.

It has been an overwhelming time, full of excitement, full of butterflies bouncing off the inner walls of my stomach, full of Trust that indeed I am packing for a reason, that indeed I will land...I am setting the course of My Success.

However, as of this week, I have actual finalization, actual grounding.  I have my landing spot, I have my departure date, I have my checklist...it's A GO!!!!!

So what "exactly" are my plans?

Well, the month of February is full of art events...for I have beautiful art to sell prior to leaving...and this will include the making of more art.  That's almost crazy to be creating while packing but I admit...I AM HIGHLY INSPIRED!!!  20 years of studio supplies to "attempt" to use/and/or pack/sell...posting dates of events REALLY soon , as well as, posting photos of everything online (oh my!).

Then comes March...the Grand Estate Sale/Open House...the last coffees with friends, the last dinners, soirees, dances, etc.  Hugs and tears, laughter and memoirs relived...March will be the end of Winter...the beginning of Spring and My Time to Spring Forth onto My New Life.

1st stop: Arizona!!!  Mi Familia and a month or so of quality time with my most treasured people...a time to soak in all the flavor that is my heritage...this is the "treat" of the year.  I shall be there for Easter...a sacred day that celebrates A New Life...for Mother's Day spent WITH MY MUM and My 43rd Birthday.

About a week later, 20 years after I originally intended to go, I will set forth for NYC.

My landing spot: New Jersey.  Jersey City to be exact...to a 200 hundred year old house of a long time friend and her family.  A most wonderful safe zone to breathe, pinch, breath some more the REALITY that I HAVE DONE IT!!!

I can  easily hop in to NYC...about a 40 minute travel...I can take my time discovering where exactly I am meant to be always knowing that when I am done adventuring I have a Home to go home to.


Guided, protected, filled with favor...God has indeed directed my steps and His grace shines through my graceful path.

It's going to be a busy time...but WOW OH WOW MY DREAM CAME TRUE!!!!!!


The moral of this story:

"A Dream IS A Wish Your Heart Makes...

...If You keep on Believing

The Dream that You Wish Will Come True."
                            - Cinderella
                            Dream Princess

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Mildly Overwhelmed

How are you today Katherine? 

"Well, I am mildly overwhelmed!"

The butterflies are pinging around in my stomach...Bang!...Boing!...

It's business NOT as usual this week. I admit that I am anxious, overwhelmed, nervous and challenged.

I am so grateful to have received my new Bible I ordered for myself for Christmas...It is true: You don't read the Bible the Bible reads You! God is really showing up quickly to remind me that all is under control.

Show me the right path, O Lord; point out the road for me to follow.  Psalm 25:4

All my longings lie open before you, O Lord; my sighing is not hidden from you.  Psalm 38:9

If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and He will give it to you.  He will not rebuke you for asking.  James 1:5

The Lord directs the steps of the godly.  He delights in EVERY detail of their lives.  Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the Lord holds them by His hand.  Psalm 37: 23-24

If I ride the wings of the morning, if I dwell by the farthest oceans, even there Your hand WILL guide me, and Your strength WILL support me.  Psalm 139:9-10

Your own ears will hear Him.  Right behind you a voice will say, "This is the way you should go" whether to the right or to the left.  Isaiah 30:21

To some it may seem that this is normal for me and I am used to gathering my belongings and launching forth...but this time it is so different. Completely unfamiliar. I am not just landing and carrying on in familiar territory...I am not even certain where I am landing.

Notice though that when I described how I was feeling I never used the word "scared"...strangely I am not. I really feel a pull from God and while I should be concerned I feel a sense of destiny.

So... I am stretching my boundaries this week...checking into the 'possibility" of how one would go about apprenticing for some of the great milliners of our times...Stephen Jones and Philip Treacy, both in London. It can not hurt to inquire and with every inquiry I am simply communicating with people in my chosen field. Who knows who I will be connected with by doing this?

I have sorted out my hat studio....fabrics, trims, treasures.

So many hats to make...my focus is clear, my talks are with God, my eye is on the prize.

How will I get there...honestly...God only knows!

My job is to keep believing, keep stepping forward, using my resources wisely, and having faith.

I so look forward!!!